Focus on what are you trying to achieve, how might you do that, plan for what will happen next when you get close to your goal
People are likely to be influenced by skillful persons. The more excellent you are, the more likely you are to influence the people around you. Be skilled enough that people can rely on you.
Before you do anything, ask yourself: is this the right time? Will this go down well now or is it completely inappropriate? Is it time to pull back, or go in hard? Just choose the right time.
The best way to direct colleagues for backing you and your agenda is to make them feel heard. A big part of workplace is people feeling that their voices aren’t being heard, listening will create a feeling that you care about them, and this feeling is very important in influencing others.
Building trust is essential for leading. People look for leaders who can support and guide them specially in difficult times. Trustworthy leaders shifts between toughness and empathy, as well as urgency with patience as change proceeds.